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​My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge

From the desk of: Dr. Mark Sohmer,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!I am happy to announce that once again I am able to bring this news to the saints of God-AMEN! Our vision here at our headquarters in San Jacinto California is one that is now taking shape and EXPLODING to a realm of that which can only be the Lord because- if your house is not built by the Lord it is built in vain (Psalm 127:1). We are going forth with this newsletter so that the body of Christ can have a place to meet and exchange their testimonies and find good churches in an area close to new converts, and to attend and keep up to date on local- nationwide and worldwide events so that they may be more equipped to pray for people and situations happening around the world.


We also want to be a resource for meetings, outreaches and special events that are taking place and eventually be able to provide support for those in need. Some of the services will include a resource of contacts for people in trades such as: Doctors- Lawyers- Dentists- Realtors- Mechanics- Artists- Handyman- Construction- Radio- TV etc. We will also post prayer needs so we can develop a prayer team around the world for those who need to be lifted up. We will extend this to include a nonstop 24 hour prayer team of intercessors for our Troops, Government, Israel and Missionaries etc. Send us your e-mail and we will keep everyone posted to new updates and news such as reports from Jay Seculow our nation's leading attorney fighting for our Christian rights. The news will also be a vehicle for advertising your church or ministry so that others in your area can come and worship the Lord with you. Until we meet again, here, there, or in the air...

May God bless you abundantly,

The Sohmers

Revelation Knowledge

Dr. Mark shares keys to unlocking the supernatural power in the life of every believer.  The laws of Quantam Mechanics is explained and confirmed by the Word of God.

Adventure and Suspense

This story will take you all over the world on a dangerous rescue mission in a wacky but desperate attempt to save the day!



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